About Us

Bolivia is listed as a moderately developed nation, ranked 118 out of 181 countries on the UN Human Development Index. While Bolivia’s economy has enjoyed a decade of strong growth, and overall inequality has decreased, the world bank still considers 38.6% of the population to live below the poverty line. The Evangelical Church has grown rapidly in Bolivia, yet many pastors have little or no formal theological preparation. Poorly equipped leaders are more prone to doctrinal error and moral failure. There is a present need in Bolivia for training, leadership development and mentoring (i). Roots is an organisation which is pro-pastor and seeks to address this pressing need through a theological scholarship program and our oversight of a support network for pastors. Roots seeks to mentor leaders, resource pastors and facilitate quality training workshops so that Christian leaders are developed and churches strengthened.

Roots Association was formed in 2009 to build up Christian leaders in Bolivia. Donate now to help Roots Association provide training and leadership development for Bolivian pastors and theological students.

1. History

2. Leadership

3. Vision and Mission

4. Statement of Faith

5. What People Say

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