
Roots Team

Moisés Padilla (centre) is director of Roots Association and is a pastor at Yo Soy Church. He is responsable for our theological scholarship program, Generation 4. He is married to Veronica and has 6 children, Jafia, Salem, Naiot, Usai, Druscila and Ciro. His favourite sport is volleyball. Not being a man of the orchestra, he enjoys dabbling in landscaping, building and plumbing. His favourite food is spicy chicken, a typical dish in Cochabamba, and in his spare time likes to read and do puzzles. Moisés is passionate about teaching the Bible and discipling young people to follow the Lord with all of their lives.

Fernando Fernandez (right) is responsable for our pastors network, Together in the Way. He is also senior pastor at God in Christ Church, Cochabamba. he is married to Marilyn and has two children Belén y Jonatán. He is passionate about pastoring pastors and helping pastors avoid burn out. He is also a practising GP.

Roots was founded by Nathan Spies (left). Nathan is married to Kate and has four children, Lily, Daisy, Poppy and Pat. Nathan enthusiastically supports Wilstermann in the Bolivian Soccer League and enjoys eating Bolivian lamb. He is passionate about seeing well-resourced Bolivians thriving in ministry.

Roots is overseen by a Bolivian board of directors.

1019. Roots Board

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