Generation 4 – Scholarships
Today’s theological students are tomorrow’s pastors. Roots builds up Christian leadership in Bolivia by investing in the holistic and spiritual development of students in our Generation 4 program. Just as Paul taught Timothy to teach others to be teachers (2 Timothy 2:2), Generation 4 has a strong emphasis on mentoring, so that each student in the program is built up and prepared to also mentor others. This is the multiplier effect of our Generation 4 scholarship program. Each student receives a parcial financial scholarship, quality theological books, participates in Langham Preaching’s expository preaching courses and is mentored by Roots director, Moisés.
Students are chosen through a careful selection process and then linked with sponsors. Ideally Roots selects students who are willing to go to remote and regional Bolivia who resources and training are scarce. Roots encourages each student’s local sending church to also support them through their studies.
Pablo was the first theological student offered a Roots Association Scholarship. He gave his life to the Lord when he was 17, but just a few years later found himself in trouble. Speaking of his compulsory year of military service, Pablo says, “I learned to drink, steal, lie and use my musical talents to serve the world.” After finishing the year, Pablo left home and began to wander the streets and drink. Desperately sad, he decided to take his own life. However, his friendship with a faithful Christian brother kept him going, and after following his friend to Cochabamba, Pablo began spending time with students from the Baptist seminary. The personal testimony of these students made a great impact on Pablo. Pablo never thought he would follow the Lord again, but all that had happened changed him. Pablo says, “On bended knee I started to tell the Lord everything, and I asked for forgiveness. I had a peace that I had never felt before.”
Pablo has decided to give his life to the Lord’s service. He is presently pastoring the youth at a little church in Cochabamba and has just completed the first year of his three year theology degree. Download Pablo’s full testimony by clicking here.
It costs just $90 a month to put a student through Bible College. Click here to sponsor a Bolivian Bible college student like Pablo through our Generation 4 scholarship program!