Preaching the Old Testament

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In November 2017 we held a workshop titled ‘How to Preach the Old Testament’ with the help of Igor from Langham Preaching. Many pastors from the 5 ‘Together in the Way’ groups which meet in Cochabamba were present. The workshop really helped to integrate the pastors from the the different groups who did not know each other previously and develop a sense of unity.

The purpose of the workshop was to encourage pastors to preach the Old Testament. Each pastor was given a copy of “How to Preach the Old Testament” by John Stott. The pastors received this resource with gratitude. Many of these pastors earn less than $100 a month and to receive quality literature gave everyone great joy, as many pastors are simply not able to purchase such books.

The workshop required active participation, beginning with how to use the Stott book and showing the pastors why it is so important to preach from the Old Testament. It was specially emphasised that the Old Testament was the Bible that Jesus used and from it Jesus began his teaching.

This workshop also encouraged the preaching of narratives, something new for the majority of those attending. In this way ‘Together in the Way’ is helping pastors grow in ministry skills. Our 5 groups are stable and a special brotherly spirit has grown among them.


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